27 May
The Scenic Route: Rural Vietnam

Instead of going up the coast through Da Nang and Hue we headed back into the mountains from Hoi An. We passed several small villages displaying the wares of their trades. All along the roadside were bright orange ears of corn and peanuts drying in...

22 May
Hoi An and the Eco Cooking Class

I had heard so many good things about Hoi An and I was really looking forward to spending a few days here. Unfortunately, it seems every place someone tells me I'm going to love I feel quite the opposite about. *eye roll* Go figure. Hoi AnWe...

17 May
Dalat to Hoi An

**I am having issues with Wordpress again and cannot add any more photos. Updates to come later** Dalat and the Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceSo I believe I've mentioned how David's bike hasn't been doing so hot...

11 May
Ho Chi Minh: The Beginning Of An Adventure

Ho Chi MinhIt was a short flight from Kuala Lumpur to Ho Chi Minh City. I arrived early afternoon, and once through immigration I immediately took out some money and got a new SIM card - only 199,000 Vietnamese dong (d) for 2 gigs per...

28 Apr
The Cameron Highlands

Tanah RataA very hungover (or possibly still drunk?) me dragged Aaron into a taxi and then onto a bus for the long ride to the Cameron Highlands. It took about six hours, and while it was a beautiful ride, I was much too nauseous to...

17 Apr
Scuba Diving Mabul 🌴

Aaron and I arrived at the small Tawau airport and stepped outside to a gang of taxi drivers asking where we needed to go. We said Semporna and a man gestured to his cab and said 25R each, you wait here. Well, we weren't going...

05 Apr
Highlights of Kuala Lumpur

As my plane began its decent into Kuala Lumpur International Airport a pleasant female voice with a light British accent announced over the intercom: "Welcome to Malaysia. Please be informed that drugs and violence are prohibited and will result in severe punishment." And a couple of minutes...

11 Mar
Angkor What?

Angkor WatCris, Feli, and I arrived in Siem Reap after dark. We headed for Chill Backpacker Hostel, where Feli had stayed previously, and met up with Cris's friend from Brazil, Atamar. We ended up staying across the street for $3 per person for the night...

09 Mar
Camping Koh Rong

Just a brief interlude here: I am writing about Angkor Wat and Phnom Penh separately since I only spent one day in each place, so there is a brief gap in my story. Sorry! I promise it's less long and boring this way! Wow. Just...