25 Dec
Hot Buttered Rum

What better on a chilly Christmas Eve than a mug of sweet, warm, silky-smooth goodness that will also get you drunk? Where the hell's the mistletoe?  INGREDIENTS:  1 lb (450g) butter, room temp or at least not rock hard 1 cup (200g) brown sugar (Dark? Light? Whatever you...

22 May
Hoi An and the Eco Cooking Class

I had heard so many good things about Hoi An and I was really looking forward to spending a few days here. Unfortunately, it seems every place someone tells me I'm going to love I feel quite the opposite about. *eye roll* Go figure. Hoi AnWe...

08 Jan
Starter Course in Thai Food

I love food. For those of you who don't know me, I base a lot of my travel around food. I prefer to eat local dishes, I want to learn what locals like and how they cook. I've always loved it! I particularly enjoy Asian...