
Who Am I?

My name is Mallory – Welcome to my blog! Like so many others, I quit my job and am currently traveling full time in Southeast Asia. I like to smile, jump in puddles, sing in the rain, eat a LOT, do unusual things, test the boundaries of my fear (and I really am a scaredy cat!), curse when I fucking feel like it, and live life adventurously and as fully as I possibly can.


Fish with Wings is starting as a travel blog, but I’m hoping it evolves into something so much more. In fact, let’s call this an adventure blog, instead! I want people to see both the practical and poetic sides of travel. To see the world with childlike excitement and wonder! To appreciate simplicity and the little things. I won’t be traveling Asia forever, but all of life is an adventure. It is about being and becoming. So journey with me here and I hope my journal feeds your soul in some way!



What the Hell does A Fish With Wings Have to do with Anything?


Fish with Wings is an odd name for an adventure blog, but I have my reasons…


I have always felt a connection to water, but a strong draw to the sky. I also happen to be a pisces, though that is unrelated to my naming decision.


A fish with wings is…peculiar. Wings imply freedom, but a fish out of water implies the uncomfortable part that comes with it. I think that is a very real feeling in both travel and life in general. Growth is often uncomfortable, and sometimes you can stimulate growth by putting yourself into uncomfortable positions, which I often do (whether I mean to or not!).


Just as a fish that suddenly finds itself in the air instead of the water, growth and uncomfortability can be terrifying, but facing your fears will teach you so much more about yourself. Practice it! It doesn’t get easier, but I know I’ve learned a thing or two about myself from it.


I just want to make the impossible possible. A fish with wings doesn’t belong in one place. It belongs in a world of its own making.