28 Apr
The Cameron Highlands

Tanah RataA very hungover (or possibly still drunk?) me dragged Aaron into a taxi and then onto a bus for the long ride to the Cameron Highlands. It took about six hours, and while it was a beautiful ride, I was much too nauseous to...

17 Apr
Scuba Diving Mabul 🌴

Aaron and I arrived at the small Tawau airport and stepped outside to a gang of taxi drivers asking where we needed to go. We said Semporna and a man gestured to his cab and said 25R each, you wait here. Well, we weren't going...

05 Apr
Highlights of Kuala Lumpur

As my plane began its decent into Kuala Lumpur International Airport a pleasant female voice with a light British accent announced over the intercom: "Welcome to Malaysia. Please be informed that drugs and violence are prohibited and will result in severe punishment." And a couple of minutes...