06 Nov My First Blog Post – Hello, Me!

Well, here it goes. Yet another travel blog on the world wide web, by yours truly! I’ve actually blogged several times over the years on free platforms. Usually this has been for a specific purpose – I get involved in a particular scene, such as art or poetry, or I travel to a new place and my friends and family want to see my ‘A Day In The Life Of’. It’s a great way to stay in touch without reaching out to every person I care about individually.

It’s worked out well…short term. Then I forget about it, or I get bored. I lose focus on a theme for my content. It’s hard to stay motivated with a time consuming hobby like blogging! Especially when you’re working full time and trying to manage the rest of your life. But this time I’m trying something new.

I quit my job recently to reset my life and take my dream vacation. I’ve been wanderlusting for Southeast Asia for as long as I can remember, and I’m finally on my way. I started organizing my things for the trip and realized I needed to start a new blog to keep my family and friends up-to-date. While browsing different packing lists for women in Southeast Asia it hit me. I am constantly looking at other people’s travel blogs. Doing research, fiending after my next travel destination, looking at pictures of unique places and things… And many of these people make money off of this. What a concept! It sounds like living the good life to me!

Well, if they can do it, maybe I can too. I was going to blog anyways, now I just have to pay for a website on the off-chance random people will read what I have to say. And maybe even find it interesting! All I have to do is travel, blog, and pretend like I know how to use social media (and hopefully make it a reality)! After all the places I’ve been and crazy things I’ve done, I never considered building a legitimate website. But if it works out this first year, I may have found my new calling.

Wish me luck, and CHEERS to day number one!


  • Penny Enck
    Posted at 17:26h, 15 November Reply

    Be safe have fun

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